ISO 22458 Inclusive Service Standard
ISO 22458:2022 Consumer Vulnerability – Requirements and guidelines for the design and delivery of inclusive service is the ISO standard covering the requirements for providing an inclusive service and replaces the British BS 18477 standard. This standard outlines the requirements for Inclusive Service Provision and details the requirements for identifying and responding to consumer vulnerability.
The current version of this standard is ISO 22458:2022 and is intended as a guideline for organisations looking to ensure that they are fully committed to providing a fair and inclusive service with consideration of the needs of vulnerable users.
Meeting the requirements of this standard
To meet the needs of this standard there are a number of inclusive practices that need to be in place and the organisation must also demonstrate that effective systems are in place to identify and deal with service users who may be vulnerable. In addition the service must also be fully accessible which covers marketing materials and website and an accessibility review should also be completed. All operatives who deal with any identified vulnerable groups must be trained so that they can recognise the triggers to indicate vulnerability.
isoassured can assist with preparation of management systems to meet the requirements of this standard - check our ISO Consultancy page for details of how we can help with onsite consultancy, remote consultancy or by using our alphaZ documents package to meet the requirements of this standard.
ISO 22458 Documentation Toolkit
To assist with meeting requirements of this new ISO standard we have prepared a document toolkit for setup of documentation and resources to assist with meeting the ISO 22458:2022 requirements and comes complete with implementation guidance. Files can also be supplied with your company name / logo added to ensure ready to use. Details of the toolkit are available here -
The toolkit includes a number of useful documents including;
- Template code of conduct for dealing with vulnerable consumers including key policies
- Vulnerable consumer policy and procedure
- Audit checklists
- Various forms;
- Consumer vulnerability focus committee
- Inclusive design impact assessment form
- Staff questionnaire - consumer vulnerability provision
- Vulnerable consumer report form
- Consumer vulnerability monitoring form / checklist
- Consumer vulnerability register and vulnerability risks register
- Consumer vulnerability risk assessment
- Training and guidance documents
To get a copy of this toolkit please apply for certification and we will be in touch to arrange file preparation.
Benefits of ISO 22458 Certification
- Demonstrate to customers and other partners that the organisation is committed to providing an accessible and inclusive service
- Reduce the possibility of accidentally excluding or disadvantaging vulnerable users
- Effective systems for monitoring and dealing with any concerns about vulnerable users
- Ongoing checks and review of inclusion in operational activities
- Systems for continual improvement of management systems
- ISO 22458 Certified - Inclusive Service Certified Logo for use in marketing
- Enhanced systems for ongoing checks of accessibility arrangements

ISO 22458 Certification process
We offer a simple, smart, certification process using a combination of remote and onsite auditing to audit against the requirements of the ISO 22458 standard and once an audit has been completed with a satisfactory outcome we issue an ISO 22458 registration certificate and authorise your organisation to display our 'ISO 22458 Registered' logo. Audits are completed by a qualified auditor and can be completed remotely or by site visit depending on the circumstances.
Further details on our certification service are available on the ISO Certification page.